The start of another week. I know, I know, technically Sunday is the start of another week. I guess I am thinking of the "Jumping in with both feet" type of thing. Sunday is a day of rest. Mondays the chaotic merry-go-round of everyday life starts up again.
I just spent the entire morning trying to print up two weeks' worth of schoolwork. I also cleaned out the fridge, and we got some picking up done around the house, some laundry done, and I did the menu for the week. Whew! I am so ready for a break.
Over the weekend I was blessed to have a friend of mine travel down with three of her lovely children. She brought her sewing machine and notions and we spent the day sewing, working on my sewing pile for Christmas. It was an interesting task trying to sew at the kitchen table with all the traffic flow. Mostly we told children to stay away from the kitchen, but that is the busiest room in the house because of its location. I set them to stacking wood outside for a while, then told them to stay in the rec area. In the afternoon Dale took all of them, except Jerusha and Caleb who were napping, over to the church to clean and finish decorating. They did a wonderful job! My friend Chris and I sewed and sewed and sewed. She worked on a stack of pj bottoms and I did the jumpers for the girls. We didn't quite finish them all, but all I have left to do is the hems on everything, and slip stitching the bodice linings down. I can easily get that done! Chris also made supper Saturday night. It was a huge blessing to have her here, to catch up, and to sew together. Once I get everything officially done, I will post pics, but SHHHHH! No telling the kids!
I also got started on some double layered receiving blankets, and got the flying geese crib quilt I had been working on sandwiched and basted. The sewing pile is shrinking!
Oh, I forgot to update about our glasses. What a fiasco that was! We bundled everyone up and piled into the van, and drove 45 minutes up to the eye place. We got in and the dr. said:
"Okay.. Dale... yours aren't in. Well, they were, but had to be fitted to the frames and then sent out for the chemical treatments for the photogray."
Oh.. so much for "all your glasses are ready". Ugh. At least that wasn't too bad, as Dale could scoot up there to get his glasses after work. Where he works is about halfway.
'Fraid not.
"Esther... yours aren't in either. They should be soon." He went on to explain that because of her drastic prescription it takes longer. She has her father's eyes, that's all I can say.
"Lisa, here are yours... oh, wait. Those are NOT glass lenses!" Why I don't know. The order was very clearly marked for glass lenses. Ugh. So, he did fit the frames to my face, and for now I am wearing them with the plastic lenses (I hate the plastic!) and when the glass comes in, it will be a simple switch.
The only one who got their glasses was Benjamin, and his was just replacements. He is eligible for an upgrade until February. Argh! So, in about a week or so, we *should* be all caught up.
One really nice thing was that work was so dead on Friday that everyone bailed out early and Dale came home on lunch hour, so we were able to do our running around many hours earlier than we thought. It was a good thing, as it took longer than we thought it would.
FOR TODAY December 8,2008...Outside my window... It is a cold, wintry day, gray skies though the sun is trying hard to peek through.
I am thinking... that my hormones are getting the better of me these days!
I am thankful for... My friend being here and helping with the sewing this weekend. What a blessing that was!
From the learning rooms... We dropping all unit studies for now so I can start one on Christmas. I printed up two weeks worth of printables to do a lap book on the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas". We've never done lap booking before, so this will be an interesting experience.
From the kitchen... Nothing interesting there today, just some split pea soup on the stove cooking.
I am wearing... My heavy corduroy jumper with autumn colored blossoms splashed all over it, white turtleneck.
I am creating... a high strung atmosphere in my home today and I need to change that immediately!
I am going... For a MW appointment later this week.
I am reading... Lots of stuff online about lap booking
I am hoping... to finish making Christmas cards this afternoon, and get the wrapping done by the end of the week.
I am hearing... The Christmas CD "Back to Bach" by Shelly Hamilton.
Around the house... we have been cleaning up from the weekend, and will hopefully finish decorating for the holidays
One of my favorite things... watching Jerusha play tea party with her dolls.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Finish the Christmas sewing, work on receiving blankets, wrap presents, and get some more cooking and baking in the freezer.
Here is picture thought I am sharing: