Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

It's beginning to look and feel like Spring around here! Over the last couple weeks we have had some very moderate temperatures. I think that last snow storm we had while Dale was on lay off is the last of winter for us. It is a mixed blessing for me, as I like winter, but I also enjoy being able to take all the kids outside, hang laundry, and start seriously thinking "garden". Here are some signs of Spring:

First laundry hanging... yes, I have been known to scale the peaks of snow piles to get to the laundry line.

The first bee! (Watch out mom!)

I just have to try these this year:

Since we moved we haven't had a hummingbird feeder, so I decided ( a mere four years later.. ahem...) to get a new one:

When your thrifty little dd says "can I start tomatoes from seed so we don't have to buy the plants" what ARE you supposed to say???

Of course if you buy tomato seeds you have to get:

and also....


Oh and some of these...

Oh yeah don't forget the...

and we will need some....

Oh yeah, and since our cheap-o gloves from last year are ruined from certain children leaving them out in the weather (I wonder who that was... aHEM again.... )....

Dale is back to work, Missions Conference week is over, and I can turn my attention to the above items. We start planting (indoors) this week!

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