Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thinking About the Swine Flu

With all the talk about the swine flu, I have been thinking... "How bad is it really?" Disease is part of life, and there have been many "epidemics" and the like that have spread faster and wiped out more people, and no modern medicine available. So what are we afraid of, really? No one likes the unknown, and this flu is basically and unknown. No one likes to be sick. No ones likes to see their loved ones or friends sick. And no one likes death. No one likes their status quo threatened.

However, life is full of changes, and the status quo, whatever that may be is a fragile thing. There is always something. And what is the purpose or point to all this?

There is nothing new under the sun.

I am talking about God getting our attention. He has done that with the Isrealites for thousands of years. Wars, famine, hostile invstions, pestilences, and evil leaders. Any of that sound familiar?

Unfortunately, to get our attention as a nation, means that the "rain will fall on the just and the unjust" so to speak. So even if you are a believer living for the Lord, that doesn't mean you get an automatic exemption card from the trials and tribulations. It also means that not every unbeliever will suffer. I think the point is that the economic downfalls, the disease, the failed crops, the weird weather patterns, etc. will be widespread enough to grab everyone's attention. Can this country see revival? I believe all things are possible with God, but I do think it unlikely at this point. The Bible describes the last days being like the days of Noah. There was no great revival before the flood. There was no great turning back to God before the Lord opened up the fountains of the deep and sent rain for 40 days and nights and covered the earth with His judgment.

Times change, the "status quo" changes, the powers that be change, health changes, technology changes, but the Lord doesn't change. He will always be just, he will always do right. And while yes, I believe He knows and is in charge, I am truly sorry for those who suffer, and grieve with the parents who lost their child to the flu. No one should bury their child.. that just seems so wrong. I also believe that we should be wise in living.

Another thought I had was that we have some things going for us. The worst of the epidemics were before we knew much about sanitation. We know about covering our faces when we sneeze or cough, washing our hands, staying home when sick, etc. Thanks to Pastuer, we have a better knowledge of germs in general. Maybe one reason why the Mexicans are harder hit than we are is because we are a more sanitary society. I've been to Mexico... they aren't the cleanest. And their nutrition isn't the best, either. I don't know... I'm just rambling now.

Then there is the question on why this flu strain is stronger than normal (they say). Is it? I read somewhere that 36,000 people die a year with the regular flu that they get shots for, which makes me wonder how effective are those shots anyway? Also, our society has been big on giving antibiotics and vaccines for so many things, it is only natural that viruses would change to beat the medicinal front. We take antibiotics, and our our natural defense atrophy, then when a virus that has adapted to bypassing the antibiotics, not only do we not have medical help, but our own natural defenses are greatly reduced.

Speaking of vaccines, I read an article where they are trying to make a vaccine against this flu, and predict it will be ready to be tested on humans by the middle of May. Then shortly after that, it will be on the market. I wonder if by then this thing will have run its course it will be much ado about nothing. We have no way of knowing, of course.

I read rumors that the vaccine will be mandantory, and if you don't get it then you'll be put in a government quarentine.. aka prison? That is rumor, but I was thinking that while I am for helping the sick, I think the vaccine should be voluntary, and that each person should have free choice whether or not to get it. Besides, there is no way of knowing how the vaccine will work. Whooping cough is routinely vaccinated against, and if you go to public school here you have to have the shot. Yet, last year, there was an epidemic of the whooping cough in a public school so bad they actually shut down for a week or so. That vaccine has been around for a while, too.

So where does this lead us? What is the point of all this rambling? Well, I don't know where it leads us and there really is no point, just some thinking, and wondering what Obama may be up to now. No offense, I don't trust the man, and that is sad to have to say about the President.

Something solid we can always count on is God's word.
Psalm 91... read it, and may it be a blessing to you today!

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