Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring spring spring spring...

Did I mention it is very springy here! Yipeee! I can't wait to get the garden planted. We are doing a very simple garden this year. First though, we are waiting on some manure. We never did do that last fall, but the gentleman promised he'd come soon (whatever that is) to spread it. It is free of charge, so I'm not complaining! Oh yeah, it would help to get some seeds too. :)

In the meantime I am taking advantage of the wonderful breezy, warm day and doing tons of laundry... bedding, blankets, clothes, diapers, and some kitchen towels. The sheets got dried in a hurry and made room for lots more. I wish the day was a little longer, I could really get lots more blankets done!

We also did some baking this morning. We made a double batch of bread, a double batch of ginger snaps, and I plan on making no bakes in a bit. The older kids and Dale are going to be stacking wood when he gets back from a visit with an older gentleman in our church who has been ill. I'll probably be inside catching up on getting some home school stuff printed up, catching up on some record keeping, hopefully some sewing, and playing.. um, tending to Isaac. Oh, I also need to put the clean sheets on our bed and remake it, and tidy up our room. Lord willing, I will also be going for a walk later.

So, we get all that done and then.. relax this evening, right? Nope, afraid not tonight. The boys need haircuts and I have a HUGE pile of ironing to deal with. I actually enjoy doing that after the kids are all in bed. I listen to books on CD, or some music, and I can let my mind wander without having to be mentally engaged to a house full of activity.

Needless to say, we look forward to a day of rest on Sundays! Of course, Dale works by preaching three times that day, and I do the music, but it is still restful to us. We don't do any chores, except for the very basics, and allow ourselves time to relax in the afternoons.

You all have a wonderful weekend and blessed Lord's day!

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