Monday, November 3, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window...It is lighter earlier because of the time change. It is a very Novemberish overcast sky, and I can still hear the sound of the geese migrating from time to time.

I am thinking...How much I have to get done over the next month and a half and looking forward to going on a sewing spree.

From the learning rooms...Continuing with our Birds unit study, and Lewis and Clark study this week.

I am thankful for...God's protection and provision. As winter sets in I feel so humbled and blessed with our warm, cozy house and wonderful family.

From the kitchen...I will be making a list of what I want to make ahead for the freezer after the baby is born. Thankfully, my good helpers are willing and ready!

I am wearing...denim Catherine's choice maternity/nursing dress, socks and slippers.

I am Bible and a Tom Clancy book.. wow are those long!

I am sort through as much of my fabric stash as I can over the next couple days.

I am creating...jumpers for Jerusha, and matching church dresses for all us gals.

I am hearing...The children chattering while doing some prebreakfast chores.

Around the house...plans for nesting, starting with sorting and organizing my fabric stash, then moving onto the kitchen, then our bedroom closet.

One of my favorite things...The very early morning quiet, listening to the birds or geese fly overhead.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Sewing, sorting, and organizing as much as possible. Also getting some Christmas shopping done online.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Don't forget to be in prayer and vote tomorrow!

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