Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Homeschool experiment

For the last couple days we have had very full schedules for school and chores and general everyday stuff. Today, since we were all a bit tired (too say the least!) I tried an experiement with homeschooling. I tried to limit any worksheets. Not that there is anything wrong with worksheets, per se, but my kids usually take to the hands on type of learning much quicker than a worksheet. For the record, they have done their share of worksheet schooling.

So, for today, here is what we did:
MATH: Mighty Mind puzzles, math wraps.
ENGLISH: Charlotte's Web fun puzzles and acrostic poem writing; read-aloud.
HOME EC: Help making quiche for supper, hand sewing (girls), work on quilt (Benjamin)
MUSIC: Instrument practice; wrap about notes
GEOGRAPHY: Coloring sheets on PA. state bird and flower.
BIBLE READING: daily individual reading
SCIENCE: "Tigers" dvd (nature commentary)
SPELLING: oral drills
MEMORY VERSES: oral recitation and drill

I think that is it... at any rate, it went well enough for the most part. I had a wicked splitting sinus headache all day, with varying degrees of dizziness. That is why I am home tonight from church.

I found that today's homeschooling didn't take any less time than the usual. The children seemed to enjoy the break from the normal routine however. It was a bit harder on me, however, trying to keep track of who has done what and working the rotation on the computer (we had an interactive puzzle online to do too). But, everyone got their work done, and it was a pretty fun day overall for them.

Now if I could just get rid of this headache....

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