Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY... December 22nd... (oops, missed it yesterday!)

Outside my window... There were a few friendly flakes falling (say that five times fast!) but now it looks like the sun is trying to come out through the clouds.

I am thinking... I may have to pull an all nighter to get the sewing done before Christmas!

I am thankful for... My wonderful sewing machine!

I am wearing... PJ's at the moment, but will soon be changing.

I am remembering... all the items on my "to sew before Christmas" list.

I am going... to be sewing

I am currently reading... my sewing machine manual in figuring out the fancy stitch on it to make it look like hand quilting.

I am hoping... To get lots of sewing done today.

On my mind... Sewing

Noticing that... Though I am making progress on the sewing pile, I need to put in a lot of time SEWING!

Pondering these words... "A time to sew..." from Ecc.

From the kitchen... Bread raising, sugar cookies ready to frost, need to make cinnamon rolls and frozen fruit salad, then SEWING!

Around the house... Sewing (anyone see the pattern here?)

One of my favorite things... A leisurely cup of tea on a nice, cold, wintry afternoon.

From my picture journal...

Isaac, at about a week old... he turns 1 year tomorrow!

For guidelines in participating in the Simple Woman's Daybook, please see Peggy's blog.

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