Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chunky Chevron Block

I finally got around to getting the second block for February done! I found time yesterday afternoon. I'm really enjoying this class! I can't wait for March's blocks and instructions to be posted. The technique being taught will be on foundation piecing.

My plans today was to kick around in my pj's and do some more proof reading on my story and maybe even get to some writing. Instead, I ended up having to go run a couple of errands, which was fine. I still got in my proof reading, and am all set to continue the story next week. Yay! Then of course there will be more proof reading, spell checking, grammar checking, etc.

The chores today included bread baking, running errands, and cleaning, and laundry... well you get the idea. Just a typical Saturday for us!

Have a wonderful evening!

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