Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Oh yes! We have finally some signs of spring. One sign is that we have officially entered what I call "mud season". ACK! I'll be glad when things dry out a bit and shoes and coats aren't so muddy.

Here is another sure sign of spring... crocuses!

After looking carefully at our lilac bushes I found the beginnings of the first buds:

Another sure sign is laundry hanging outside again! Yay! Not that I can do it everyday, but right now I will settle for the fresh outdoorsy scent on our sheets and pillowcases.

Last Friday we had a movie night. Note the popcorn containers... the big one we usually fill twice. Our family can eat popcorn to the size of the container, no matter how big it is!

Just can't resist a smiley pic of Isaac here. He is going through a phase where he smiles, giggles and squirms in delight when looking at our ceiling fans or the chandelier over the kitchen table. It is so funny to watch, and I always laugh when I see him doing it!

As spring is "sprunging" here, I am looking around making a mental note of what needs to be done. The garden needs to be fertilized, and the yards picked up of some debri... broken toys and leftovers from the furniture breaking-up we did last fall when we got the new-to-us loveseat and chairs for the rec. area in the basement.

As far as the house goes, I will be working on sewing for a bit, then we'll tackle some spring cleaning later in April. I cannot wait to plant the garden! We'll be starting with potatoes and peas, then later in May we'll do some green beans, corn, spinach, and squash of some sort. I'll be tidying up Aaron's memorial garden as well, and we usually do the flowers along the walkway at church, and the flower boxes outside the church. And then, of course, is our annual End of the year school stuff and birthday bash in May. Family members... I'll be contacting you about that soon!

Always lots to do, and lots to plan... of course, snuggling Isaac is still my priority around here. So, how much actually gets done is yet to be seen! :)

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