Wednesday, July 8, 2009

French seams and Denim Skirts

The twins have been begging for jean skirts. Well, I don't have a problem with denim skirts, its just that I had so many other items on the sewing list that needed to be done first. They didn't really NEED the skirts, per se. Well, thanks to my grandmother, who gave us the denim, the skirts are well on their way to being made. I finished the first one today. I usually do them assembly line style, but the denims were so different in color that I used different color thread and just did one at a time. I also decided to use french seams, since denim frays so badly a lot of the time. A french seam is very easy, and finished the edges nicely. I don't have a serger, so this is a good option for me.

Step 1: cut out garment as usual.

Step 2: change baby's diaper and feed him so you don't get interrupted 5 minutes after you get started.

Step 3: Delegate chores to older children so you don't get interrupted 5 minutes after you get started.

Step 4: If the above fails, plug them into a movie so you don't get interrupted 5 minutes after you get started.

Step 5: Make a path to the sewing machine by raking, shoving, shoveling, kicking or pushing anything or anyone that is in the way. Never mind the books, toys, clothes that are strewn about. They'll be there later. It's sewing time! Focus, people!

Step 6: Pin fabric WRONG SIDES together. I know that goes against the grain. Put on your big girl Nike's and just do it.

Step 7: Sew a 1/4 inch seam.

Step 8: Trim the seam to about 1/8" .

Step 9: Press the seam to one side (Real seamstresses NEVER say "Iron"). Do not press the seam open.

Step 10: Turn garment so right sides are together and press.

Step 11: Pin seam so it won't squich any which a-way while stitching.

Step 12: Stitch 3/8" down seam.

Step 13: Finish garment as usual and have a pretty model try it on.

Now I need to go finish the other skirt!

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