Friday, May 22, 2009


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Oh yes, oh yes... today was our official last day of school! We are taking a well deserved break. I have some finishing paperwork to do, and the three olders will be taking their standardized tests when they arrive in the mail. But we are DONE!

Formal schooling may be finished for now, but certianly not the projects we are involved in. Today was a very busy day, to say the least. This morning we did some indoor tasks. Jerusha helped me make some Amish friendship cake. She was a sweet little helper and did a good job stirring while I added ingredients.

Here is the finished cake. Boy it smelled good baking!

We also made some cupcakes for the birthday bash tomorrow. The countdown is on! The children have figured out how many hours and minutes. Too bad they aren't excited about it!

We also finished up our planting. We planted broccoli, lettuce, potatoes, onions, more peas, and some sunflowers. Benjamin has done so much to help me in the garden. I am proud of my son and his willingness to do so much of the grunt work and bending over for me.

We also had the laundry lines full of clothes and freshly washed diapers, and some towels. The laundry was folded before supper while I was mowing, and Dale was putting up the freshly painted flagpole with the new flag. He also put up the patriotic swags at church, and the girls watered flowers for me.

One of the things I like about the flag pole is the cross on the top.

I had to take a little break from mowing to feed Isaac, and while I was doing that Jerusha climbed on the mower (which had the blades disengaged and was off anyway) and started singing the theme song to "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".

After some fiddling around, Dale got the weed whacker going and spent about 45 minutes doing some trimming before it got too dark. He also fixed the long ago broken door handle to the front door. Benjamin had rigged a temporary fix, but it was time for a real handle. I'm thankful for my guys and their talents and inginuity!

It wasn't all work today. We did have some play. My friend and her daughter were over for our weekly tea time, and the kids later had a water balloon fight. Also, during naptime I was able to finish piecing the top to a wall hanging I started making a while ago. It is one of those projects I work on inbetween other stuff and I have nothing pressing to work on. You can guess how often that happens. The outter border is made from seminole piecing.

Well, Isaac is ready for his nite-nite feeding, and I am exhausted, needing a shower, and hungry. Have a blessed weekend and Happy Memorial Day!

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