Friday, May 1, 2009

Simple Pleasures

The below is an old Shaker hymn, with a very pretty tune to it.

'Tis the gift to be simple,
'Tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
to bow and to bend, we will not be ashamed
To turn, turn, will be our delight,
'Til by turning, turning, we come round right.

This post is dedicated to the hundreds of simple pleasures in life that get taken for granted. Here are just a few:

Enjoying a nice home made quilt in the early morning chill:

Snuggle time... anytime!

Time to be creative:

Getting the garden ready for planting (yup, that's good ol' fashioned manure, folks):

Tea time: (I love Lorna Doone's btw! Anyone know the history on those? I looked it up out of curiosity, but will save that for another post):

Spring flowers, and a little girl enjoying them:

Snuggling up with a favorite blanky and a good book:

Some other thing that you can't see but can smell:
Bread baking in the oven.
Venison cooking in the crock pot with onions and peppers.
The season's first hyacinths.
Springtime's gentle rain and the clean air.

Some other things you can't see, but can hear:
The gentle rain
early morning birds waking up
The children laughing and playing
Isaac squealing and giggling at a sibling
A child practicing piano
The twins doing dishes and singing together while they work.

One of my New Year's resolutions was to appreciate and take advantage of times when we can just simply enjoy an activity together. Lately I have been enjoying bike riding with Benjamin, or going for a walk with a child, or two, or three, or six, like tonight, taking time to have tea with the girls, playing games, etc. There is nothing profound in all this, but just me trying to be more aware of the simple pleasures in life, and sharing them more with my children. They grow up so fast!

So, have you taken time to "stop and smell the roses" today? Either by yourself, or with a loved one?

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