Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Does this make your blood boil?

This should. It is against everything Americans are for. I read somewhere that the problem wasn't so much about vaxing, as about truancy. If that is so, then why the forced vaccinations? At gunpoint??? Puhleeze. Whether or not you are for vaxing, you should be for freedom of choice as a parent. The state should not be able to force you to do any kind of medical procedure, and in most states, that is the law, including MD. So, why is this being allowed? If the issue is truancy, why are parents being threatened at gunpoint with jailtime, and their children being vaxed against the parent's wishes/religious beliefs? Even if it was truancy, so what? Shouldn't parent's be allowed the choice of whether or not their children go to public school, without hassle? What is the purpose of all the paperwork anyway?

The bottom line is that the school systems, the medical community don't care about you or your children. It is all about the $$. The more children in public school, the more federal funding they have. The more people that vax their children, the more money the "Big Pharm" will make.

Time for we Americans to wake up, and take notice of what is going on with our so-called rights. How long before those gestapo tactics are in YOUR state, in YOUR hometown? I dare say our forefathers are rolling over in their graves.

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