Friday, January 9, 2009

How to Make Your Own Wipes

I used this recipe for years, until we moved 3 years ago. In the throes of the confusion in packing, moving, unpacking, etc., I got out of the habit of making my own wipes. When I found out I was pregnant, I vowed to start up again, but was potty training the last one that was in diapers, and didn't bother starting up again.

Now that Isaac is born, I have the perfect excuse to get going on it once more, along with some other money saving ideas, like CDing (yes, I am a closet CD addict!)but that will be another post... very soon! In the meantime, here is the recipe for the wipes, and a short tutorial. Excuse some of the pics.. my camera man was my "type A" child and had some of his own ideas about HOW to take the pic. There are TONS of different recipes for making wipes, but here is what I am currently using:

1 roll BOUNTY paper towels (yes, trust me, use the good stuff)
1 TBSP. baby oil
2 TBSP. baby wash
2 cups water

Sharpen a BIG honkin' knife. Then flex your muscles, cuz' you're gonna need them.

Cut the roll of paper towels in half width-wise. This is where you need the sharp knife and the muscles.

Put the halves of paper towels in size appropriate containers.

Add 1 TBSP of oil in a 2 Cup measuring cup. I like glass personally. It makes that pretty "tink tink tink" sound when you stir in it. :)

Than add 2 TBSP. of baby wash of your choice.

Add two cups of water, and it's time to stir and make that pretty "tink tink tink" sound.

Pour the water mixture over one of the containers. Pour it over the paper towel roll so it will soak down through all the layers.

Make another batch up of the water, oil, and baby wash, and pour over the other half of the paper towel roll.

No, you aren't done just yet. Reach into the middle of the paper towel rolls, and pull out the center tube. It is easier to do this after you have baptized the towels with the water, oil, wash mixture. When you pull out a paper towel for a wipe, you will pull from the middle.

Put the lids on the containers, and let them sit for a couple hours, so the water,oil,baby wash mixture will wick up and get all the innards of the paper towel wet.

Okay.. NOW you're done!

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