Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eggless Banana Bread

I'm probably the last person to figure this out, but this week we tried making banana bread without eggs. It wasn't a planned experiment, but we had about a bunch and a half of medium sized bananas that needed to be put into some muffins or bread or something. We decided on banana bread since we were in a time crunch of sorts, and it was less hands on time than muffins.

Benjamin and Esther were getting the batter mixed up when they realized that we were out of eggs. So I hopped on the computer to google any good substitutes for using eggs in baking. I found out you can use a flax seed and water mixture. Also, I read that bananas do basically the same thing eggs do in baking. How convenient, since we were making banana bread. We used the following recipe from my Betty Crocker cookbook, and substituted the flax seed and water mixture.

Note: 1 TABLESPOON flax seed plus 3 TABLESPOONS water = 1 egg

Preheat oven to 350.
4 C. sugar
1 1/3 C. margarine or butter, softened
8 TBSP. flax seed + 12 TBSP water, combined in a separate small bowl
Almost two bunches of medium sized bananas, mushed
1 1/3 C. water
6 2/3 C. high gluten flour
1 TBSP + 1 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
You can add nuts or raisins but we just did it plain.

Mix everything together, including the flax seed mixture. Cut out wax paper to fit the bottom of 4 bread pans. Fill pans evenly with batter. Bake for about an hour, until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool for about 10 minutes. Loosen sides of loaf from pan, remove from pan, peel off wax paper from bottom of loaf.

Makes 4 loaves. Enjoy!

Between the weather and our crazy busy schedule right now... the garden, the bedroom renovations, life in general.... my walking time has been very sporadic. When I do go, I like to pick wild flowers. Here is a sample of the latest bouquet:

Isaac is has been showing off his flexibility. I wish I was so flexible. I think I could do this, but I would never be able to walk again. LOL


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