I married my best friend! That's right, today is our 18th anniversary. Before you wonder what we are up to, let me just say we are a boring couple. No trips, no going out to eat. In fact, Dale is coming straight home from work so we can take all the kids to town and pick out carpet, paint, and fabric for window treatments in the bedrooms. And we will reveal who is sleeping where.
Aren't we lame? LOL. It's the usual for us, but with a few extra smooches thrown in. We agreed to get out to eat together at a later date, yet to be determined. I love where our marriage is right now.. we are comfortable with each other enough to say "Hey, things are wicked busy right now.. how about we wait a couple weeks until things slow down before we go out so we can enjoy it?" Dale is a wonderful, fantastic, solid man, spiritual, and patient (he'd have to be to put up with me for this long!) and a great example of what a husband, father, and pastor should be.
The occasion won't be going by totally unnoticed however. The kids are getting together to make us supper Tuesday night. They would have done it for tonight, but are missing some ingredients for their menu. I am letting them run with it. Benjamin is pretty good in the kitchen as long as he doesn't bite off more than he can chew (yeah, lame pun intended). The girls are getting pretty efficient as well. I have a pretty good idea of what they are doing. It should be interesting! But the thought and effort are sweet, and we appreciate it.
Saturday we had another pastor and his family over for a picnic lunch. It was very good to get to know them better! They have 10 children with another on the way. I'm not sure I have all the names straight yet. We have been meaning to get together for almost 3 years, so it was long overdue. Thankfully, the weather was perfect for being outside, so we set up a couple tables from church and some folding chairs in the shade and everyone ate their fill of hot dogs, baked beans, watermelon, chips, corn, and ice cream for dessert.
All the children seemed to enjoy themselves. There was volleyball, rides on the old mower without the engine, sardine tag, regular tag, swing set fun, tree fort fun, bike riding, playing in the sand box, and a few other things that I can't remember right now.
After our guests left, the children were putting on quite the display of "Oh, I am SO hot from running around.. can we go in the pool?" Okay, so I gave in. Everyone got changed and we got in. Yes, it was cold, but as long as we kept moving it wasn't too bad. We did the whirl pool effect several times, with me dragging/carrying Jerusha who had more courage about the water when she found out she could stand up easily. My back is still stiff though, from hanging onto that Kling-on. And, as a true litmus test to their gene pool (yup.. another lame pun.. I really need to get more sleep) after a little while they were all shivering so they could barely talk, lips turning purple, but saying "Oh no, Mama... we're fine... we can stay in a lot longer!" Ring a bell with any of the grandparents??? LOL.
We had a nice restful day yesterday, very much needed. Today it is back to the busyness.
FOR TODAY:June 8th
Outside my window... It is a sunny, beautiful morning.
I am thinking... about the odds and end type of tasks I need to do today and hoping I can get through them quickly.
I am thankful for... My husband.
From the learning rooms... We finished the PASS tests, so I need to send them out today.
From the kitchen... The twins are getting breakfast ready.
I am wearing... Pj's and Dale's bathrobe. I overslept this morning, thanks to a certain little man who though 4 a.m. was a perfectly good time to be up and wide awake for a while.
I am creating... a quilt for my niece.
I am going... to town this evening with the family.
I am reading... Isaiah, and listening to "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" on CD.
I am hoping... for a nap this afternoon, but not holding my breath.
I am hearing... Jerusha chattering a bit, and the birds outside chattering a lot.
Around the house... Laundry, some general picking up, making up the menu for this week, and shopping lists for tonight.
One of my favorite things... Waking up Saturday morning and realizing that there is some extra snuggle time with Dale.
A few plans for the rest of the week: getting the old carpet up in the boys room so we can paint, stacking wood, and of course.. sewing like crazy!
Here is picture thought I am sharing... 
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