Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Train Your Pet Rocks

This is a story Isaac and I are writing together.  All rights are reserved.  We will be trying to add a new installment about once a week.  Enjoy!

 How To Train Your Pet Rocks
by Lisa Post and Isaac Post

Chapter 1  

                One sunny summer, the Post family were all working outside.  Mom was working in the flower beds, pulling pesky weeds that insisted on coming up through the thick-layered mulch she had laid that spring.

                The other children, along with Dad, were landscaping for the new pool.  The whole family was very excited.  Isaac, the youngest, had the job of picking rocks.  This way, the bottom of the pool would be nice and smooth. 

                As he bent over to uncover more rocks, he suddenly heard:

                “Hey!  Over here!  In the wheelbarrow!”

                Isaac went over to the blue wheel barrel, and looked in.  Inside was a mouse.   Pumpkin stalked around the work area suspiciously, sniffing towards the wheelbarrow.

                “Did you say something?” Isaac asked.

                But the mouse just twitched his whiskers, jumped out, then ran off.  Pumpkin ran off after it.

                Isaac scratched his head, then turned to leave. 

                “Hey!  Hey!  Down here!”  he heard again.  This time he saw a rock in the wheelbarrow wiggling around in its spot.  “Can you get me out of here?”

                “Sure!” Isaac said, and picked it up.

                “My name is Terrence.  Thank you for picking me up!”

                “My name is Isaac, and you’re welcome.”

                “Can you help me with something?” Terrence asked.

                “Yes.  What do you need help with?”

                “Well, my brother Clarence is still in the wheelbarrow.  Can you help me find him?”

                “I guess so.  What does he look like?” Isaac asked, scratching his head.

                “He’s a little bigger than me, and he looks like, well, a rock.”

                Isaac began moving rocks around in the wheelbarrow, but ran into a problem.  When he piled the rocks out of the way, they would avalanche back down.  Finally, he decided to just toss the rocks out onto the ground.  After a while, Isaac felt Terrence wiggle with delight. 

                “There he is!  Clarence!  Clarence!  Wake up!”

                Another rock in the wheelbarrow wiggled sleepily.  Isaac heard it yawn. 

                “What?  I was napping!”

                “You are always napping.  Come on, Isaac is going to get us out of the wheelbarrow!” Terrence exclaimed.

                “That’s great!  Are we going to be his pets?” Clarence asked.

                There was an expectant pause.  Isaac realized they were waiting for him to answer.

                “Of course, I’ll keep you.  But, you are awfully dirty.  You both need a bath.”

                “Isaac!  What are you doing?  Those rocks need to be in the wheelbarrow.  Looks like you dumped half of them in the grass.  You can’t leave them there because the mower will hit them later,” Isaac’s older brother, Caleb pointed to the pile of rocks near Isaac, Clarence, and Terrence.

            “I guess I had better clean this up first,” Isaac shrugged. 

           The job didn’t take long, and then Isaac took Terrence and Clarence to the house.  Terrence told Isaac about how they lived in the dirt where the pool was being dug, but got put in the wheelbarrow while they were clearing the land.  As Terrence talked, Pumpkin, who had given up on chasing the mouse, was  waiting at the door to go in out of the heat.  He heard Terrence talking, and didn’t recognize the voice.  He was startled because he saw Isaac, the youngest of all his slaves, but knew it wasn’t Isaac’s voice talking.   His ears twitched as he tried to solve this small feline mystery. 

                Inside the house, Isaac, ignoring the pile of dirty dishes in one side of the sink, put Terrence and Clarence in the other side.  He squirted them with dish detergent, then scrubbed the dirt off of them.

                “That feels sooooo good!” Clarence said. 

                “Yes, it does!  Thank you, Isaac!” Terrence agreed.

                Then Isaac put them on the window sill over the sink to dry. 

                Clarence yawned.  “I’m going to take a nap.”
                "Of course you are," Terrence said.  "It's a day that ends in y."

1 comment:

Shellee said...

It was a fun read! Very nice job Isaac (and Mom, of course!)