Friday, January 13, 2012


We finally have a REAL snowfall! Measurable, and white, and needing shovelling. It's about time, after all, it is mid-January!

I have been working on a cover for my Kindle Fire. I am knitting it in seed stitch, which is proving to be tedious, but I understand that the seed stitching will make the cover denser than a regular stockinette stitch, so I can put up with it.

And, I'm not sure I like the feel of the yarn. It isn't as soft and luscious as I was imagining, and feels a little coarse. I don't think it will damage the Kindle, nor do I think the Kindle has an opinion on the softness of the yarn, so I will press on with the project. I do like the colorway, I have to say!

I also have started a pair of socks for Josiah, which are just plain stockinette stitch, so when I tire of the seed stitch, I can still put my hands to work on something productive. I've also started a shawl in fingering weight yarn, which I'm realizing is going to take a bit to finish. Ha! All three projects are in fingering weight yarn, a.k.a., sock yarn. I love working with it!

Yesterday afternoon I had my first prenatal check up, which went fine. We tried to hear the heart beat, but at just 10 weeks, I knew it was too early, but hey, you never know unless you try! My next appointment is in four weeks, so I'll definitely be able to hear it then.

Have a wonderful day!

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